Cross-Format Test Comparison
Test Comparison
Accelerate Test Development and Debug by Comparing ATE Vectors
With Their Source EDA Patterns and With Other ATE Formats
- Accelerate Test Development and Debug by
- Comparing ATE Vectors With Their Source EDA
- Patterns and With Other ATE Formats
Compare Test Files of Different
Work Seamlessly With a variety of Test Formats
Working seamlessly with different test formats, frequencies and scaling is on the wishlist of many test, DFT and design engineers. Fulfilling this wish becomes straightforward with TestDiff, a multi-format diff tool that is fully compatible with both EDA and ATE.
Compare Test Files of Different Formats
Work Seamlessly With a variety of Test Formats
Working seamlessly with different test formats, frequencies and scaling is on the wishlist of many test, DFT and design engineers. Fulfilling this wish becomes straightforward with TestDiff, a multi-format diff tool that is fully compatible with both EDA and ATE.
ATE-ATE Comparison
Tests Are Identical
Supporting multiple ATEs allows test cost reduction and other benefits thanks to the flexibility in ATE selection. With TestDiff, you can verify that the tests executed on all platforms are identical, easily spotting any difference.
ATE-EDA Comparison
EDA-to-ATE Translation Difference
When a pattern fails on ATE, test engineers can use TestDiff to perform a simple yet effective check, comparing the pattern with its source EDA format. TestDiff then tracks down the root cause of any difference and immediately tells if anything went wrong when translating the original pattern into ATE format. It can also verify pattern conversion accuracy during test development, preventing post-silicon surprises and customer returns due to pattern mismatch.
EDA-EDA Comparison
Validate EDA Pattern Modifications
With TestDiff you can validate any modification of an EDA pattern. This is relevant both within the same format, such as eVCD-eVCD and STIL-STIL comparison, and after conversion to a different format, such as eVCD-STIL comparison.
ATE-ATE Comparison
Support Multiple ATEs in Your Test Program While Ensuring That Tests Are Identical
Supporting multiple ATEs allows test cost reduction and other benefits thanks to the flexibility in ATE selection. With TestDiff, you can verify that the tests executed on all platforms are identical, easily spotting any difference.
ATE-EDA Comparison
Debug Faster by Tracking Down the Root Cause of Any EDA-to-ATE Translation Difference
When a pattern fails on ATE, test engineers can use TestDiff to perform a simple yet effective check, comparing the pattern with its source EDA format. TestDiff then tracks down the root cause of any difference and immediately tells if anything went wrong when translating the original pattern into ATE format. It can also verify pattern conversion accuracy during test development, preventing post-silicon surprises and customer returns due to pattern mismatch.
EDA-EDA Comparison
With TestDiff you can validate any modification of an EDA pattern. This is relevant both within the same format, such as eVCD-eVCD and STIL-STIL comparison, and after conversion to a different format, such as eVCD-STIL comparison.
How TestDiff Works?
TestDiff converts each input file to a common event stream and then compares the two streams,highlighting all differences.This is how it can handle tests of different formats, including mixed inputs of EDA and ATE
TestDiff converts each input file to a common event stream and then compares the two streams,
highlighting all differences.
This is how it can handle tests of different formats, including mixed inputs of EDA and ATE formats.
The comparison results are provided in two output options:
• Waver GUI – Conveniently pinpoints all differences at waveform level for improved quality and debug flow. Diffs can be easily tracked down to source syntaxes as TestDiff pinpoints their exact cause and location
• Detailed textual report – Provides a clear and intuitive cycle-based comparison
- Waver GUI-Conveniently pinpoints all
- differences at waveform level for
- improved quality and debug flow.
- Diffs can be easily tracked down to
- source syntaxes as TestDiff pinpoints
- their exact cause and location
- Detailed textual report-Provides a clear intuitive cycle-based comparison

Detailed Textual Report

Waver GUI

Detailed Textual Report

Waver GUI
Key Benefits
Simplify and accelerate debug flow by easily tracking down
the root cause of any difference -
Improve quality and reduce customer returns by eliminating
test-pattern mismatches -
Enable fine-grained inspection when tests fail on ATE, even
without ATE knowhow -
Have the flexibility of using multiple ATEs, ensuring tests
of different systems are identical
Key Features
- Supports scaling, ignore rules, tolerance and signal renaming
- Can be configured to compare only certain sections or signals
Supported input formats:
› Advantest ATE: V93K, T2000
› Teradyne ATE: IG-XL J750, Flex, UltraFlex, ETS800

Key Benefits
- Simplify and accelerate debug flow by easily tracking down the root cause of any difference
- Improve quality and reduce customer returns by eliminating test-pattern mismatches
- Enable fine-grained inspection when tests fail on ATE, even without ATE knowhow
- Have the flexibility of using multiple ATEs, ensuring tests of different systems are identical
Key Features
- Supports scaling, ignore rules, tolerance and signal renaming
- Can be configured to compare only certain sections or signals
Supported input formats:
› Advantest ATE: V93K, T2000
› Teradyne ATE: IG-XL J750, Flex, UltraFlex, ETS800

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